Chapter 6 Summarizing Result Implications
6.1 PSM Moderators
mod_sum <- sig_mod %>%
group_by(Trait, Outcome) %>%
summarize(Moderator = paste(Moderator, collapse = "<br>")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
Trait = traits$short_name
, Outcome = outcomes$short_name)
) %>%
mutate(Trait = factor(Trait, traits$short_name),
Outcome = factor(Outcome, levels = outcomes$short_name, labels = outcomes$long_name)) %>%
rename(PSM = Moderator)
6.2 SCA Key Variables
sca_sum <- spec_summ %>%
select(Trait, Outcome, key_var) %>%
mutate(Trait = factor(Trait, levels = traits$long_name, labels = traits$short_name),
Outcome = factor(Outcome, levels = outcomes$short_name, labels = outcomes$long_name)) %>%
mutate(key_var = str_replace_all(key_var, ", ", "<br>")) %>%
rename(SCA = key_var)
6.3 Table of Key Variables
levs <- paste(rep(c("PSM", "SCA"), times = 14), rep(traits$short_name, each = 2), sep = "_")
mod_sum %>%
full_join(sca_sum) %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "Method"
, values_to = "key_var"
, cols = c("PSM", "SCA")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "Trait", values_from = "key_var") %>%
arrange(Outcome) %>%
select(Outcome, Method, all_of(traits$short_name)) %>%
kable(., "html"
, escape = F
, caption = c("<strong>Table 9</strong><br><em>Significant Moderators of Propensity Score Matched Models and Critical Covariates of Specification Curve Analyses")) %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
collapse_rows(1, valign = "top") %>%
add_footnote("PSM = Propensity Score Matched Models. SCA = Specification Curve Analyses. All variables indicate either significant moderators of personality-outcome associations in the propensity score matched study or critical covariates (in terms of direction, magnitude, and significance) in the specification curve analyses.", notation = "none") %>%
save_kable(file = sprintf("%s/results/tab_9_summary.html", wd))