Often times, when conducting research (experiments or otherwise), there are observations (people, specific trials, etc.) that you don’t want to include.
We can use filter() with logical statements to include only rows that match certain conditions
We can refer to both bare quoted columns and objects in the global environment
== or !=
< or <=
> or >=
| and &
tidyr: pivot_longer() and pivot_wider()
1. pivot_longer()
(Formerly gather()) Makes wide data long, based on a key
Core arguments:
data: the data, blank if piped
cols: columns to be made long, selected via select() calls
names_to: name(s) of key column(s) in new long data frame (string or string vector)
values_to: name of values in new long data frame (string)
names_sep: separator in column headers, if multiple keys
values_drop_na: drop missing cells (similar to na.rm = T)
Why would I make my data longer?
Main reason: Columns names sometimes contain data.
Example: Billboard data has time information in column names
tibble [317 × 79] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ artist : chr [1:317] "2 Pac" "2Ge+her" "3 Doors Down" "3 Doors Down" ...
$ track : chr [1:317] "Baby Don't Cry (Keep..." "The Hardest Part Of ..." "Kryptonite" "Loser" ...
$ date.entered: Date[1:317], format: "2000-02-26" "2000-09-02" ...
$ wk1 : num [1:317] 87 91 81 76 57 51 97 84 59 76 ...
$ wk2 : num [1:317] 82 87 70 76 34 39 97 62 53 76 ...
$ wk3 : num [1:317] 72 92 68 72 25 34 96 51 38 74 ...
$ wk4 : num [1:317] 77 NA 67 69 17 26 95 41 28 69 ...
$ wk5 : num [1:317] 87 NA 66 67 17 26 100 38 21 68 ...
$ wk6 : num [1:317] 94 NA 57 65 31 19 NA 35 18 67 ...
$ wk7 : num [1:317] 99 NA 54 55 36 2 NA 35 16 61 ...
$ wk8 : num [1:317] NA NA 53 59 49 2 NA 38 14 58 ...
$ wk9 : num [1:317] NA NA 51 62 53 3 NA 38 12 57 ...
$ wk10 : num [1:317] NA NA 51 61 57 6 NA 36 10 59 ...
$ wk11 : num [1:317] NA NA 51 61 64 7 NA 37 9 66 ...
$ wk12 : num [1:317] NA NA 51 59 70 22 NA 37 8 68 ...
$ wk13 : num [1:317] NA NA 47 61 75 29 NA 38 6 61 ...
$ wk14 : num [1:317] NA NA 44 66 76 36 NA 49 1 67 ...
$ wk15 : num [1:317] NA NA 38 72 78 47 NA 61 2 59 ...
$ wk16 : num [1:317] NA NA 28 76 85 67 NA 63 2 63 ...
$ wk17 : num [1:317] NA NA 22 75 92 66 NA 62 2 67 ...
$ wk18 : num [1:317] NA NA 18 67 96 84 NA 67 2 71 ...
$ wk19 : num [1:317] NA NA 18 73 NA 93 NA 83 3 79 ...
$ wk20 : num [1:317] NA NA 14 70 NA 94 NA 86 4 89 ...
$ wk21 : num [1:317] NA NA 12 NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA ...
$ wk22 : num [1:317] NA NA 7 NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA ...
$ wk23 : num [1:317] NA NA 6 NA NA NA NA NA 6 NA ...
$ wk24 : num [1:317] NA NA 6 NA NA NA NA NA 9 NA ...
$ wk25 : num [1:317] NA NA 6 NA NA NA NA NA 13 NA ...
$ wk26 : num [1:317] NA NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA 14 NA ...
$ wk27 : num [1:317] NA NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA 16 NA ...
$ wk28 : num [1:317] NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA 23 NA ...
$ wk29 : num [1:317] NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA 22 NA ...
$ wk30 : num [1:317] NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA 33 NA ...
$ wk31 : num [1:317] NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA 36 NA ...
$ wk32 : num [1:317] NA NA 3 NA NA NA NA NA 43 NA ...
$ wk33 : num [1:317] NA NA 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk34 : num [1:317] NA NA 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk35 : num [1:317] NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk36 : num [1:317] NA NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk37 : num [1:317] NA NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk38 : num [1:317] NA NA 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk39 : num [1:317] NA NA 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk40 : num [1:317] NA NA 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk41 : num [1:317] NA NA 14 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk42 : num [1:317] NA NA 13 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk43 : num [1:317] NA NA 14 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk44 : num [1:317] NA NA 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk45 : num [1:317] NA NA 17 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk46 : num [1:317] NA NA 21 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk47 : num [1:317] NA NA 22 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk48 : num [1:317] NA NA 24 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk49 : num [1:317] NA NA 28 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk50 : num [1:317] NA NA 33 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk51 : num [1:317] NA NA 42 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk52 : num [1:317] NA NA 42 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk53 : num [1:317] NA NA 49 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk54 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk55 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk56 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk57 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk58 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk59 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk60 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk61 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk62 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk63 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk64 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk65 : num [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk66 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk67 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk68 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk69 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk70 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk71 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk72 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk73 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk74 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk75 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ wk76 : logi [1:317] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
This doesn’t just apply to longitudinal data. This is also important when thinking about iteration.
For example, if you variables can be grouped into different categories (covariates, IVs/predictors, DVs/outcomes, moderators, etc.), then your column names contain implicit data
The data below contain both time, variable, and category information
# load the codebook(codebook <-read_csv("week6-codebook.csv") |>mutate(old_name =str_to_lower(old_name)))
old.names <- codebook$old_name # get old column namesnew.names <- codebook$new_name # get new column namessoep <-read_csv("week6-data.csv") |>select(all_of(old.names))
By pivoting our data longer, we can more easily extract information from the column names
Pivot the data below longer. Some hints:
don’t make the procedural or demographic variables long
split the column names you make long into four chunks:
In small groups, discuss what’s happening when you use full_join(), left_join(), right_join(), inner_join(), and anti_join() with the code below. Which is correct in this use case?
#BaseRsum(df$age<0) # count number of obs w/ negative values for variable "age"
[1] 27
Step 2: Write function
num_missing <-function(x){sum(x<0)}
Step 3: Apply function
[1] 27
[1] 22
Exercise 3:
In survey data, negative values often refer to reason for missing values:
E.g., -8 refers to “didn’t take survey”
E.g., -7 refers to “took survey, but didn’t answer this question”
num_missing() function
Task: Write function called num_negative()
Write a function that counts number of missing observations for a variable and allows you to specify which values are associated with missing for that variable. This function will take two arguments:
x: The variable (e.g., df$sibage)
miss_vals: Vector of values you want to associate with “missing” variable
Values to associate with missing for df$age: -97,-98,-99
Values to associate with missing for df$sibage: -97,-98,-99
Values to associate with missing for df$parage: -4,-7,-8
Use the following function to extract the number of people we estimated slopes for in this model. Output the result as an integer to a new column called npeople
Use the tidy() function from the broom.mixed package to extract the coefficients from the model and their confidence intervals. Save it to the column “tidy”
Use the argument conf.int = T to get the confidence intervals
Additional arguments to the .f function called in map() can be just included as addition arguments (e.g., map(.x, .f, conf.int = T))
Today’s goal was to review the coding concepts we’ve used so far and ask you to apply them using a series of guided examples
The biggest takeaway I wanted you to have is chaining, or how you can use tidyverse functions in chains to accomplish a bunch of goals simultaneously
We cleaned, composited, and ran 50 models across thousands of people, including predictions and tables in less than 100 lines of code. Just doing the models, tidy(), and predict() parts of that alone would have been 150 lines of code and introduced huge opportunities for errors!
Full Code
# load the codebook(codebook <-read_csv("week6-codebook.csv") |>mutate(old_name =str_to_lower(old_name)))old.names <- codebook$old_name # get old column namesnew.names <- codebook$new_name # get new column namessoep <-read_csv("week6-data.csv") |>select(all_of(old.names))
pred_fun <-function(m){ d <- m@frame |>select(-p_value) |>distinct()bind_cols(d, pred =predict(m, newdata = d))}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(pred =map(model, pred_fun))soep_nestedsoep_pred <- soep_nested |>select(-data, -model, -tidy) |>unnest(pred) |>group_by(trait) |>nest() |>ungroup()soep_predspag_plot_fun <-function(d, trait){set.seed(6) d |>group_by(le) |>nest() |>mutate(data =map(data, ~filter(., Proc_SID %in%sample(unique(.$Proc_SID), 100)))) |>unnest(data) |>ungroup() |>mutate(le_value =ifelse(le_value >1, 1, le_value)) |>ggplot(aes(x = wave, y = pred)) +geom_line(aes(group = Proc_SID, color =factor(le_value)), alpha = .3) +geom_smooth(method ="lm", se = F, color ="darkblue") +scale_color_manual(values =c("grey", "blue"), labels =c("No Event", "Event")) +labs(x ="Wave", y ="Predicted Trait Levels", color ="Life Event", title = trait) +facet_wrap(~le) +theme_classic() +theme(legend.position =c(.7, .1))}soep_pred <- soep_pred |>mutate(p =map2(data, trait, spag_plot_fun))soep_pred$p[[1]]
Source Code
---title: "Week 6 - Review"author: "Emorie D Beck"format: html: code-tools: true code-copy: true code-line-numbers: true code-link: true theme: united highlight-style: tango df-print: paged code-fold: show toc: true toc-float: true self-contained: true---```{r, echo = F}library(knitr)library(psych)library(lme4)library(broom)library(broom.mixed)library(kableExtra)library(plyr)library(tidyverse)``````{r setup, include=FALSE}knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE, message =FALSE, warning =FALSE,results ='show',fig.width =4, fig.height =4, fig.retina =3)options(htmltools.dir.version =FALSE , knitr.kable.NA ="")```# Outline1. Questions on Homework2. `dplyr`3. `tidyr`4. Functions5. `purrr`# `dplyr`: `select()` and `filter()`## 1. `select()`### Add or remove using `select()` helper functions.- `starts_with()`\- `ends_with()`- `contains()`- `matches()`- `num_range()`- `one_of()`- `all_of()````{r, echo = T}bfi |>select(starts_with("C"))```## 2. `filter()` {.smaller}- Often times, when conducting research (experiments or otherwise), there are observations (people, specific trials, etc.) that you don't want to include.- We can use `filter()` with logical statements to include only rows that match certain conditions- We can refer to both bare quoted columns and objects in the global environment - `==` or `!=` - `<` or `<=` - `>` or `>=` - `%in%` - `all_of()` - `one_of()` - `!` - `|` and `&`# tidyr: `pivot_longer()` and `pivot_wider()`## 1. `pivot_longer()`- (Formerly `gather()`) Makes wide data long, based on a key <fontsize="5">- Core arguments: - `data`: the data, blank if piped - `cols`: columns to be made long, selected via `select()` calls - `names_to`: name(s) of key column(s) in new long data frame (string or string vector) - `values_to`: name of values in new long data frame (string) - `names_sep`: separator in column headers, if multiple keys - `values_drop_na`: drop missing cells (similar to `na.rm = T`) </font>### Why would I make my data longer?- Main reason: Columns names sometimes contain data.- Example: Billboard data has *time* information in column names```{r}data(billboard)str(billboard)``````{r}billboard |>pivot_longer(cols =starts_with("wk"), names_to ="week", names_prefix ="wk",names_transform = as.numeric,values_to ="rank" )```- This doesn't just apply to longitudinal data. This is also important when thinking about iteration.- For example, if you variables can be grouped into different categories (covariates, IVs/predictors, DVs/outcomes, moderators, etc.), then your column names contain *implicit* data- The data below contain *both* time, variable, and category information```{r}# load the codebook(codebook <-read_csv("week6-codebook.csv") |>mutate(old_name =str_to_lower(old_name)))old.names <- codebook$old_name # get old column namesnew.names <- codebook$new_name # get new column namessoep <-read_csv("week6-data.csv") |>select(all_of(old.names))```### Exercise- By pivoting our data longer, we can more easily extract information from the column names- Pivot the data below longer. Some hints: - don't make the procedural or demographic variables long - split the column names you make long into four chunks: - "category", "label", "item_name", "year" - drop `NA` values<!-- ```{r} --><!-- soep |> --><!-- setNames(new.names) --><!-- ``` -->Solution:```{r}soep_long <- soep |>setNames(new.names) |>pivot_longer(cols =c(-starts_with("Proc"), -starts_with("Dem")) , names_to =c("category", "label", "item_name", "year") , names_pattern ="(.*)_(.*)_(.*)_(.*)" , values_to ="value" , values_drop_na = T ) |>mutate(year =as.numeric(year))soep_long```- Long format data are easier to clean (we'll come back to this but we'll create the cleaned data frame to use for merging practice)```{r}soep_big5 <- soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>mutate(value =mapvalues(value, seq(-8,0), rep(NA, 9))) |>drop_na(value) |>group_by(Proc_SID, label, year) |>summarize(value =mean(value)) |>ungroup()soep_le <- soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>mutate(value =mapvalues(value, seq(-8,1), c(rep(NA, 6), 0, NA, NA, 1))) |>drop_na(value) |>group_by(Proc_SID, label) |>summarize(value =sum(value)) |>ungroup()soep_clean <- soep_big5 |>rename(trait = label, p_value = value) |>inner_join( soep_le |>rename(le = label, le_value = value) )```## 2. `pivot_wider()` {.smaller}- (Formerly `spread()`) Makes wide data long, based on a key <fontsize="6">- Core arguments: - `data`: the data, blank if piped - `names_from`: name(s) of key column(s) in new long data frame (string or string vector) - `names_sep`: separator in column headers, if multiple keys - `names_glue`: specify multiple or custom separators of multiple keys - `values_from`: name of values in new long data frame (string) - `values_fn`: function applied to data with duplicate labels </font>### Why would I pivot wider?- Some analyses require wide format data- For example, SEM in `lavaan` in R requires that both indicators and time are wide format.- The code below uses the codebook to rename items according to a numbered format that isn't specific to any trait```{r}big5 <- codebook |>filter(category =="big5")soep_lavaan <- soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>mutate(item_name =mapvalues(item_name, big5$item_name, big5$lavaan_name, warn_missing = F))soep_lavaan```### Exercise- Change the `soep_lavaan` data frame to be in wide format using `pivot_wider()`: - pull the `names` from two sources: `item_name()` and `year````{r}soep_lavaan |>pivot_wider(names_from =c("item_name", "year") , values_from ="value" )```# `dplyr`: \`\_join()'## The `_join()` Functions- Often we may need to pull different data from different sources- There are lots of reasons to need to do this- We don't have time to get into all the use cases here, so we'll talk about them in high level terms- We'll focus on: - `full_join()` - `inner_join()` - `left_join()` - `right_join()`## 3. `full_join()`- Most simply, we can put those back together keeping all observations.- Pro: sometimes we want to maintain missing data (i.e. some people are randomly missing variables and we don't want to drop them completely)- Con: can leave you with lots of `NA`s- Join the codebook to the data below using `full_join()`- Look at the data. What's going on here```{r, eval = F}soep_long |>filter(!category =="big5") |>full_join(# your code here ) |>View()```Here's the solution:```{r}soep_long |>filter(!category =="big5") |>full_join(codebook |>select(category, label, item_name, year, item_text)) ```- note we have lots of missing data because the Big Five portions of the codebook were joined even though we removed that data## 4. `inner_join()`- We can also keep all rows present in *both* data frames- Pro: Won't add rows with missing values in key variables- Con: will drop observations that you want want for counts, correlations, etc.- Join the codebook to the data below using `inner_join()`- Look at the data. What's going on here```{r, eval = F}soep_long |>filter(!category =="big5")full_join(# your code here ) |>View()```- Note that filtering, renaming/selecting, and joining is a common workflow```{r}soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>select(Proc_SID, trait = label, item_name, year, p_value = value) |>inner_join( soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>select(Proc_SID, le = label, year, le_value = value) )```## 5. `left_join()`- Or all rows present in the left (first) data frame, perhaps if it's a subset of people with complete data```{r}soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>select(Proc_SID, trait = label, item_name, year, p_value = value) |>left_join( soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>select(Proc_SID, le = label, year, le_value = value) )```## 6. `right_join()`- Or all rows present in the right (second) data frame, such as I do when I join a codebook with raw data```{r}soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>select(Proc_SID, trait = label, item_name, year, p_value = value) |>right_join( soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>select(Proc_SID, le = label, year, le_value = value) )```## Your TurnIn small groups, discuss what's happening when you use `full_join()`, `left_join()`, `right_join()`, `inner_join()`, and `anti_join()` with the code below. Which is correct in this use case?```{r, eval = F, error = F}soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>select(Proc_SID, trait = label, item_name, year, p_value = value) |> [x]_join( soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>select(Proc_SID, le = label, year, le_value = value) )```# `dplyr`: split-apply-combine## Bringing it all together: Split-Apply-Combine- Much of the power of `dplyr` functions lay in the split-apply-combine method- A given set of of data are: - *split* into smaller chunks - then a function or series of functions are *applied* to each chunk - and then the chunks are *combined* back together## 3. `group_by()`- The `group_by()` function is the "split" of the method- It basically implicitly breaks the data set into chunks by whatever bare quoted column(s)/variable(s) are supplied as arguments.## 4. `mutate()`- `mutate()` is one of your "apply" functions- When you use `mutate()`, the resulting data frame will have the same number of rows you started with- You are directly mutating the existing data frame, either modifying existing columns or creating new ones## 5. `summarize()` / `summarise()`- `summarize()` is one of your "apply" functions- The resulting data frame will have the same number of rows as your grouping variable- You number of groups is 1 for ungrouped data frames# Exercise 1- Remember when I said that long format data are easier to clean. Let's do that now.## Question 1:- Let's start with the Big Five data:1. `filter()` out only Big Five rows2. `mutate()` each observation so that values less than one are changed to `NA`3. Remove any missing values using `filter()` or `drop_na()`4. Group (split) the data so that you have a "group" for each person x trait x year combination5. `summarize()` the values to get a composite score for each Big Five trait for each person in each year:### SolutionRemember when I said that long format data are easier to clean. Let's do that now.```{r}soep_big5 <- soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>mutate(value =mapvalues(value, seq(-8,0), rep(NA, 9))) |>drop_na(value) |>group_by(Proc_SID, label, year) |>summarize(value =mean(value)) |>ungroup()soep_big5```## Question 2:Now let's take care of the life event data:\1. `filter()` out only life event rows\2. `mutate()` each observation so that- -2 = 0- 1 = 1- everything else is `NA`3. Remove any missing values using `filter()` or `drop_na()`4. Group (split) the data so that you have a "group" for each person x event combination5. `summarize()` the values to get a `sum` score for each event for each person across all years:### Solution```{r}soep_le <- soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>mutate(value =mapvalues(value, seq(-8,1), c(rep(NA, 6), 0, NA, NA, 1))) |>drop_na(value) |>group_by(Proc_SID, label) |>summarize(value =sum(value)) |>ungroup()soep_le```## Question 3:Just for practice, now make your Big Five data frame wide, leaving the time variable (year) long### Solution```{r}soep_big5 |>pivot_wider(names_from ="label" , values_from ="value" )```## Question 4:- Now, let's join the data frames back together.- Which join function do you think is most appropriate?- Hint: You will need to rename the `label` and `value` columns to reflect the category of the data### Solution```{r}soep_clean <- soep_big5 |>rename(trait = label, p_value = value) |>inner_join( soep_le |>rename(le = label, le_value = value) )soep_clean```# Functions## Functions**How to approach writing functions**? (*broad recipe*)1. Experiment with performing the task outside of a function - Experiment with performing task with different sets of inputs - Often, you must revise this code, when an approach that worked outside a function does not work within a function2. Write the function3. Test the function - Try to "break" it4. **Continual improvement**. As you use the function, make continual improvements going back-and-forth between steps 1-3## Basics of writing functions**Three components** of a function:1. **Function name** - Define a function using `function()` and give it a **name** using the assignment operator `<-`2. **Function arguments** (sometimes called "inputs") - Inputs that the function takes; they go inside the parentheses of `function()` - Can be vectors, data frames, logical statements, strings, etc. - In the above hypothetical code, the function took three inputs `arg1`, `arg2`, `arg3`, but we could have written: - `function(x, y, z)` or `function(Larry, Curly, Moe)` - In the "function call," you specify values to assign to these function arguments3. **Function body** - What the function does to the inputs - Function body goes inside the pair of curly brackets (`{}`) that follows `function()` - Above hypothetical function doesn't do anything, but your function can **return a value** (covered in [later section](#return-values))# Exercise 2Some common tasks when working with survey data:- Identify number of observations with `NA` values for a specific variable- Identify number of observations with negative values for a specific variable- Replace negative values with `NA` for a specific variable## `num_negative()` function**Task**: Write function called `num_negative()`- Write a function that counts the number of observations with negative values for a specific variable- Apply this function to variables from dataframe `df` (created below)- Adapted from Ben Skinner's *Programming 1* R Workshop [HERE](https://www.btskinner.me/rworkshop/modules/programming_one.html)```{r, echo=-c(1:3)}set.seed(54321) # so that we all get the same random numbersdf <-tibble('id'=1:100,'age'=sample(c(seq(11,20,1), -97,-98,-99),size =100,replace =TRUE,prob =c(rep(.09, 10), .1,.1,.1)),'sibage'=sample(c(seq(5,12,1), -97,-98,-99),size =100,replace =TRUE,prob =c(rep(.115, 8), .1,.1,.1)),'parage'=sample(c(seq(45,55,1), -4,-7,-8),size =100,replace =TRUE,prob =c(rep(.085, 11), .1,.1,.1)))# Sample dataframe `df` that contains some negative valuesdf```## Steps:**Recommended steps**:- Perform task outside of function - HINT: `sum(data_frame_name$var_name<0)`- Write function- Apply/test function on variables### Step 1: Perform task outside of function```{r}names(df) # identify variable namesdf$age # print observations for a variable#BaseRsum(df$age<0) # count number of obs w/ negative values for variable "age"```### Step 2: Write function```{r}num_missing <-function(x){sum(x<0)}```### Step 3: Apply function```{r}num_missing(df$age)num_missing(df$sibage)```# Exercise 3:In survey data, negative values often refer to reason for missing values:- E.g., `-8` refers to "didn't take survey"- E.g., `-7` refers to "took survey, but didn't answer this question"## `num_missing()` function**Task**: Write function called `num_negative()`- Write a function that counts number of missing observations for a variable and allows you to specify which values are associated with missing for that variable. This function will take two arguments: - `x`: The variable (e.g., `df$sibage`) - `miss_vals`: Vector of values you want to associate with "missing" variable - Values to associate with missing for `df$age`: `-97,-98,-99` - Values to associate with missing for `df$sibage`: `-97,-98,-99` - Values to associate with missing for `df$parage`: `-4,-7,-8`## Steps**Recommended steps**:- Perform task outside of function - HINT: `sum(data_frame_name$var_name %in% c(-4,-5))`- Write function- Apply/test function on variables### Step 1: Perform task outside of function```{r}sum(df$age %in%c(-97,-98,-99))```### Step 2: Write function```{r}num_missing <-function(x, miss_vals){sum(x %in% miss_vals)}```### Step 3: Apply function```{r}num_missing(df$age,c(-97,-98,-99))num_missing(df$sibage,c(-97,-98,-99))num_missing(df$parage,c(-4,-7,-8))```# `purrr`## purrr::`map()`- `map()` functions are the tidyverse alternative to for loops and chaotic lists with deep nesting structures- `map()` functions, unlike `_apply()` functions can take any number of inputs, which mimics nested `for` loops- `map()` functions can return any output type, including heterogeneous outputs (at least if you return it as a list)### Inputs- You control how many inputs using the following: - `map()`: one input, arguments are `map(.x, .f)` - `map2()`: two inputs, arguments are `map2(.x, y., .f)` - `pmap()`: any number of inputs, arguments are `pmap(.l, .f)` - Note the `.l` becuase this means we have to wrap inputs in a `list()`### Ouputs- You can also control the output of `purrr::map()`: - `map()`: outputs a list - `map_chr()`: outputs a character vector\ - `map_dbl()`: outputs a numeric vector\ - `map_lgl()`: outputs a logical vector\ - `map_int()`: outputs a integer vector\ - `map_vec()`: outputs essentially any type of vector- Note that if one input combination fails, all will fail and nothing will be outputted### Error handling- Having everything fail because one thing went wrong is really frustrating- There are a number of functions in `purrr` to help with that: - `possibly(.f, otherwise)`: returns whatever you ask it return with `otherwise` when a .f call fails - `safely(.f)`: returns a list with the output, if successful, and errors, if unsuccessful - Others: see [documentation](https://purrr.tidyverse.org/reference/index.html#adverbs).### List columns- One of the easiest ways to work with `purrr` is using list columns in nested data frames::: columns::: column- You can create a nested data frame using `tidyr::nest()` or `tibble()` (where one column is a list itself)```{r}soep_clean |>group_by(trait, year, le) |>nest() |>ungroup()```:::::: column- You can then call `map()` within a mutate call to modify the list column or create new columns in your data frame```{r}tibble(x =c(1,2,3) , y =list(letters[1:5], letters[6:10], letters[11:15]))```::::::# Exercise 4## Question 1:- Create a data frame called `soep_nested` that creates a list column of the data split by trait and life event.### Solution```{r}soep_nested <- soep_clean |>group_by(trait, le) |>nest() |>ungroup()```## Question 2:- Using `mutate()`, create a new list column called `model` that runs the following function```{r}lmer_fun <-function(d){ d <- d |>mutate(wave = year -2005) |>group_by(Proc_SID) |>filter(n() >1) m <-lmer(p_value ~ wave + le_value + le_value:wave + (1+ wave | Proc_SID), data = d)return(m)}```### Solution```{r}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(model =map(data, lmer_fun))soep_nested```## Question 3:- Use the following function to extract the number of people we estimated slopes for in this model. Output the result as an integer to a new column called `npeople````{r}nslopes_fun <-function(m) summary(m)$ngrps```### Solution```{r}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(npeople =map_int(model, nslopes_fun))soep_nested```## Question 4:- Use the `tidy()` function from the `broom.mixed` package to extract the coefficients from the model and their confidence intervals. Save it to the column "tidy"- Hints: - Use the argument `conf.int = T` to get the confidence intervals - Additional arguments to the `.f` function called in `map()` can be just included as addition arguments (e.g., `map(.x, .f, conf.int = T)`)### Solution```{r}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(tidy =map(model, broom.mixed::tidy, conf.int = T))```## Question 5:- Let's practice making a super simple table. Do the following:1. remove the data and model columns from the data frame2. `unnest()` the `tidy` column3. Keep only fixed effects (`effect == "fixed"`)4. We only care about the interaction, so only keep the interaction `term`5. round the estimate, conf.low, and conf.high columns to 2 decimal places6. Keep the `trait`, `le`, `estimate`, `conf.low`, and `conf.high` columns only7. `pivot_wider()` by trait for `estimate`, `conf.low`, and `conf.high`### Solution```{r}soep_tab <- soep_nested |>select(-data, -model) |>unnest(tidy) |>filter(effect =="fixed"&grepl(":", term)) |>mutate(across(c(estimate, conf.low, conf.high), \(x) round(x, 2))) |>select(trait, le, estimate, conf.low, conf.high) |>pivot_wider(names_from ="trait" , names_glue ="{trait}_{.value}" , values_from =c(estimate, conf.low, conf.high) )soep_tab```## Question 6:Use the function below to get model predictions```{r}pred_fun <-function(m){ d <- m@frame |>select(-p_value) |>distinct()bind_cols(d, pred =predict(m, newdata = d))}```### Solution```{r}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(pred =map(model, pred_fun))soep_nested```## Question 7:- Let's practice making a super simple table. Do the following:1. remove the data, model, and tidy columns from the data frame2. `unnest()` the `tidy` column3. `group_by()` life event and `nest()` + `ungroup()`4. save this as `soep_pred`### Solution```{r}soep_pred <- soep_nested |>select(-data, -model, -tidy) |>unnest(pred) |>group_by(trait) |>nest() |>ungroup()soep_pred```## Question 8:- Use the following function to create a new column `p` that contains spaghetti plots- Note that the function takes two inputs!```{r}spag_plot_fun <-function(d, trait){set.seed(6) d |>group_by(le) |>nest() |>mutate(data =map(data, ~filter(., Proc_SID %in%sample(unique(.$Proc_SID), 100)))) |>unnest(data) |>ungroup() |>mutate(le_value =ifelse(le_value >1, 1, le_value)) |>ggplot(aes(x = wave, y = pred)) +geom_line(aes(group = Proc_SID, color =factor(le_value)), alpha = .3) +geom_smooth(method ="lm", se = F, color ="darkblue") +scale_color_manual(values =c("grey", "blue"), labels =c("No Event", "Event")) +labs(x ="Wave", y ="Predicted Trait Levels", color ="Life Event", title = trait) +facet_wrap(~le) +theme_classic() +theme(legend.position =c(.7, .1))}```### Solution```{r, fig.width=9}soep_pred <- soep_pred |>mutate(p =map2(data, trait, spag_plot_fun))soep_pred$p[[1]]```# Wrap-Up## Wrap-Up- Today's goal was to review the coding concepts we've used so far and ask you to apply them using a series of guided examples- The biggest takeaway I wanted you to have is *chaining*, or how you can use `tidyverse` functions in chains to accomplish a bunch of goals simultaneously- We cleaned, composited, and ran 50 models across thousands of people, including predictions and tables in less than 100 lines of code. Just doing the models, `tidy()`, and `predict()` parts of that alone would have been 150 lines of code and introduced huge opportunities for errors!# Appendix## Full Code### Data```{r, eval = F}# load the codebook(codebook <-read_csv("week6-codebook.csv") |>mutate(old_name =str_to_lower(old_name)))old.names <- codebook$old_name # get old column namesnew.names <- codebook$new_name # get new column namessoep <-read_csv("week6-data.csv") |>select(all_of(old.names))```#### Pivot Long```{r, eval = F}soep_long <- soep |>setNames(new.names) |>pivot_longer(cols =c(-starts_with("Proc"), -starts_with("Dem")) , names_to =c("category", "label", "item_name", "year") , names_pattern ="(.*)_(.*)_(.*)_(.*)" , values_to ="value" , values_drop_na = T ) |>mutate(year =as.numeric(year))soep_long```#### Recode and Composite```{r, eval = F}soep_big5 <- soep_long |>filter(category =="big5") |>mutate(value =mapvalues(value, seq(-8,0), rep(NA, 9))) |>drop_na(value) |>group_by(Proc_SID, label, year) |>summarize(value =mean(value)) |>ungroup()soep_le <- soep_long |>filter(category =="le") |>mutate(value =mapvalues(value, seq(-8,1), c(rep(NA, 6), 0, NA, NA, 1))) |>drop_na(value) |>group_by(Proc_SID, label) |>summarize(value =sum(value)) |>ungroup()soep_clean <- soep_big5 |>rename(trait = label, p_value = value) |>inner_join( soep_le |>rename(le = label, le_value = value) )```### Models```{r, eval = F}soep_nested <- soep_clean |>group_by(trait, le) |>nest() |>ungroup()lmer_fun <-function(d){ d <- d |>mutate(wave = year -2005) |>group_by(Proc_SID) |>filter(n() >1) m <-lmer(p_value ~ wave + le_value + le_value:wave + (1+ wave | Proc_SID), data = d)return(m)}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(model =map(data, lmer_fun))soep_nested```### Results#### Tables```{r, eval = F}nslopes_fun <-function(m) summary(m)$ngrpssoep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(npeople =map_int(model, nslopes_fun))soep_nestedsoep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(tidy =map(model, broom.mixed::tidy, conf.int = T))soep_tab <- soep_nested |>select(-data, -model) |>unnest(tidy) |>filter(effect =="fixed"&grepl(":", term)) |>mutate(across(c(estimate, conf.low, conf.high), \(x) round(x, 2))) |>select(trait, le, estimate, conf.low, conf.high) |>pivot_wider(names_from ="trait" , names_glue ="{trait}_{.value}" , values_from =c(estimate, conf.low, conf.high) )soep_tab```#### Model Predictions```{r, eval = F}pred_fun <-function(m){ d <- m@frame |>select(-p_value) |>distinct()bind_cols(d, pred =predict(m, newdata = d))}soep_nested <- soep_nested |>mutate(pred =map(model, pred_fun))soep_nestedsoep_pred <- soep_nested |>select(-data, -model, -tidy) |>unnest(pred) |>group_by(trait) |>nest() |>ungroup()soep_predspag_plot_fun <-function(d, trait){set.seed(6) d |>group_by(le) |>nest() |>mutate(data =map(data, ~filter(., Proc_SID %in%sample(unique(.$Proc_SID), 100)))) |>unnest(data) |>ungroup() |>mutate(le_value =ifelse(le_value >1, 1, le_value)) |>ggplot(aes(x = wave, y = pred)) +geom_line(aes(group = Proc_SID, color =factor(le_value)), alpha = .3) +geom_smooth(method ="lm", se = F, color ="darkblue") +scale_color_manual(values =c("grey", "blue"), labels =c("No Event", "Event")) +labs(x ="Wave", y ="Predicted Trait Levels", color ="Life Event", title = trait) +facet_wrap(~le) +theme_classic() +theme(legend.position =c(.7, .1))}soep_pred <- soep_pred |>mutate(p =map2(data, trait, spag_plot_fun))soep_pred$p[[1]]```